Fashion & Interior Design









Find out about 4-H Fashion & Interior Design project opportunities!  Click here for a video overview and click here for a handout with more details.

Find out about the 4-H Duds to Dazzle Contest! Click here for a video overview.

Find our about 4-H Storyboard & How to create a storyboard via Canva! Click here for a video overview.

Leon County 4-H Fashion-Contest-Overview

Fashion & Interior Design Related Workshops!


4-H Talent Show & Spring Contests: 


Opportunities: Fashion & Interior Design, Public Speaking, Educational Presentation, & Talent Showcase!

Contest Date: Sunday, March 17, 2024 (in the evening) at Buffalo Upper Junior High School Auditorium

Contest Schedule: Tentatively Start at 4:00pm & End by 8:00pm (Come & Go) Open to the PUBLIC!

Entry Form & Entry Fee Due: Thursday, March 7, 2024

Entry Fee: $10/4-H Member per contest

  • Example: Plan to Compete in Fashion & Interior Design ($10), Public Speaking ($10) & Talent Showcase ($10)! Total of $30
  • Pay by check/cash to Leon County 4-H
    • Mail to: PO Box 188 Centerville, TX 75833
    • Drop off: 113 West Main St. Centerville, TX 75833
  • Venmo Leon County 4-H: @LeonCounty4-H (Memo: Child’s Name & 4-H Roundup)
  • Paypal

Talent Show & Spring Contests (3/17/24) Results & D8 Qualifier Information:

Fashion & Interior Design Contests:

Opportunities: Fashion Show, Natural Fiber, Duds to Dazzle & Storyboard

More resources:

Texas 4-H Fashion & Interior Design Web Link

D8 4-H Fashion & Interior Design Web Link

Megan Parr, our D8 4-H Specialist, shared this as a fashion project resource:

Leon County 4-H Holiday Fair

December 7-9, 2023

Open to Leon County/Tri-County Youth (Do NOT have to be in 4-H)

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