Volunteer Groups

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”


From community beautification projects to local education programs, our volunteers are steadfast in their pursuit to serve Texas in meaningful and lasting ways. We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities in Leon County through various programs, including Texas Master Gardeners, Texas Extension Education Association as well as the Texas 4-H program.

Volunteers work with the Leon County AgriLife Extension Office on providing programs for all of Leon County! We offer educational programs to youth, adults and families! Our jobs would not be possible without the help and support of our amazing volunteers!


To learn more about volunteer groups associated with Leon County AgriLife Extension Visit:

Leon County Master Gardeners:

Leon County Extension Education Association:

Leon County 4-H:

Volunteering to help with special events such as curriculum enrichment programs (see example list below):

Email cassie.ferguson@ag.tamu.edu

  • Health & Safety Fair (October) (6th & 9th Graders)
  • Agriculture Fair (November) (4th Grade)
  • Water Fair (Spring) (3rd Grade)
  • Hatching in the Classroom (All school year) (All Grades)

Leon County Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast

RSVP for the Leon County Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast TBA- April, 2025 Below:

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