Master Gardeners



Leon County MG 2024 Lunch and Learn

Leon County Master Gardener Intern Program:

Application to become a Master Gardener Intern is DUE, Friday, July 12th!

Leon County Master Gardener Intern Application 2024- July 12, 2024

Leon County Master Gardener Outreach Program:

Leon County Master Gardener Outreach program Tri-Fold Brochure


Lunch and Learn Series- Recorded Videos

Below are the videos from the 2024 year from our Lunch and Learn series! We have an excellent group of MG’s in Leon County that do a fantastic job at teaching the community through this series. If you’re wanted a specific video from even further back, follow our YouTube page at Leon County AgriLife Extension.

January 2024- Huegelkultur by Teresa Klepac  Hugelkultur (

February 2024- Tomator Tour by Kathy Choate vTomato Tour (

March 2024- All About Herbs, by Tina Daleki & Paula Purcell  All About Herbs (

April 2024- Safely Controlling Insects in the Garden, by Steve Ogden & Steve Porter  Integrated Pest Management (

May 2024- Cut Flowers, by Kathy Choate  Cut Flowers (

June 2024- Crape Mrytles, by Kim Lacey  Crape Myrtles (

July 2024- Landscaping to Minimize Fire Danger, by Richard Parrish  Landscaping to Minimize Fire Damage (

August 2024- Creative Container Gardens, by Karen Seay  Wisteria Beauty or a Beast (

September 2024- Fall Gardening, by Buck Buchanan  TBA

October 2024- Let Your Garden Take Flight (Attracting Birds to your Garden), by Charlene Manning & Novalene Thurston  TBA

November 2024- Fruit Trees, by Steve & Carole Huebner  TBA

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