
Leon County 4-H Entomology/Bug Project

Project Leader:

Master Gardener, Novalene Thurston

Contact cassie.ferguson@ag.tamu.edu or 903-536-2531



Once a Month at 6:00pm- Leon County Extension Office

Practice Schedule is To Be Announced on Weekly Memo!


What you will learn:

  • Identify Insects & Other Arthropods
  • Classify Insects & Other Arthropods
  • Collect Insects & Other Arthropods
  • Preserve Insects & Other Arthropods

This project is easy to afford because insects are free or inexpensive at pet stores or scientific supply houses. Because of their size, insects can be easily housed in small containers for observation.


Contest Opportunities:

4-H Entomology Judging/Identification Contest:

  • TX 4-H Roundup June 2-5, 2025, Entries DUE via 4-H Online in May

TX 4-H Entomology Collection Contest: June 2-5, 2025

TX 4-H Entomology Photography Contest: DUE in May

Beekeeping Essay Contest: DUE in April

TX 4-H Natural Resources Photography Contest: DUE In December


For more information visit:


Texas A&M Department of Entomology: https://entomology.tamu.edu/extension/youth/4-h/4h-contest/


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