
Howdy & Welcome to Leon County 4-H!

2024-2025 Leon County 4-H Program Sponsorship (DUE October 25, 2024):

Leon County 4-H 2024-2025 Program Annual Sponsor request letter & Donor Form DUE October 25, 2024

Leon County 4-H 2024-2025 Program_Donation_Form

Leon County 4-H 2024-2025 Program Annual Sponsor request letter

Click the following link to ENROLL in Leon County 4-H: https://v2.4honline.com/

Instructions on (Re)Enrolling 4-H: 4honline_family_guide_welcome

2024-2025 Leon County 4-H Family Guide– Great Resource for All Things Leon County 4-H

Click here to watch a video from the Leon County 4-H Kick Off (New to 4-H Informational)!

We  are  glad  that  you  have  chosen  to  be  part  of  the  largest  non-formal  youth education organization in the United States! Over 7 million youth participate in 4-H each year to become self-motivated, productive and contributing citizens. 4-H is designed to be a family affair so 4-H parents are encouraged to get involved in the 4-H experience. Ways that 4-H parents can contribute range from serving as a project leader to providing transportation to activities, or even supplying refreshments for meetings or special events. 4-H parents are also needed to supervise 4-H activities. Leon County has an outstanding group of dedicated adult volunteer leaders as well as a superb group of motivated 4-H members. We welcome your family into our Leon County 4-H family! Please feel free to contact the Leon County Extension Office, or visit our website at leon.agrilife.org for more information about the county 4-H Program. Please feel free to contact the Leon County 4-H Youth Development Agent, Ms. Cassie Ferguson, at cassie.ferguson@ag.tamu.edu or by calling 903-536-2531 or by texting 979-969-9871. Best wishes for a fulfilling year in 4-H! We look forward to seeing you at events throughout the year. Together we will “Make The Best Better” in Leon County!

More information about 4-H:

Leon County 4-H Resources!

4-H Monthly Events Tips and Reminders- Leon County– Tentative Dates & Reminders

Leon County 4-H Google Family Calendar (Click Here)!

Leon County Youth Development Agent 2023 Annual Reports:



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